
Yocan Red Gavin Torch

Regular price $39.99

About Yocan Red Gavin Torch

The Yocan Red Gavin Torch is one of the most solid offerings of Yocan Red. Yocan Red is a name that focuses solely on answering the needs of smokers, dry herb consumers, and wax concentrate enthusiasts.

On that note, the products it makes are aimed towards addressing the necessities demanded by those who require the assistance of their favorite materials — be it for recreational or medical purposes. Let’s find out why the Yocan Red Gavin Torch is the right torch lighter for you.

Unique Spherical Grip Design

The Yocan Red Gavin Torch is equipped with a unique spherical grip design that allows for an ergonomic experience not just for those who use herbs and wax concentrates for fun but also to address their medical conditions. As we all know, consuming dry herb strains and wax concentrates can help reduce inflammation and can relax the mind. Some medical consumers seek help from the organic material for their rheumatism or arthritis, both of which cause constant paint and may make it difficult to grasp or hold smaller torch lighters with slim handles.

Having said that, the Yocan Red Gavin Torch with its rounded grip design is easier to get a hold of compared to others that can cramp one’s hands. No need to add pressure or squeeze in tighter just to hold that lighter, all you have to do is let your palms wrap around the Yocan Red Gavin Torch and use the torch depending on your needs.

To add to the Yocan Red Gavin Torch’s spherical handle grip, it is equipped with Yocan’s Mag Stand technology that allows the Yocan Red Gavin Torch to pivot into place. That said finding the right angle and making sure your torch lighter stays there is made easier than ever.

Consumers of wax concentrates can also be helped by the Yocan Red Gavin Torch as the flame can be positioned under a banger or a nectar collector.

Adjustable Flame Setting

One of the wonders of the Yocan Red Gavin Torch is its adjustable flame setting. Instead of sticking to one pre-selected flame level, owners of the torch lighter can make adjustments on the flame level to suit their needs.

Imagine having to smoke a cigarette using an extremely hot lighter with a very tall flame — you’ll probably get your face smoked with that thing. How about heating a banger for dabbing with a flame as weak as a dying matchstick, you’ll probably have to wait days before the banger heats up. And finally, do you want a torch lighter that can be used for multi-purposes, say for lighting up a campfire or maybe heating up food. All that and more is what the Yocan Red Gavin Torch can do for you.

Your table will surely be the envy of the party when you smoke or vape with your friends at a party.

According to Yocan, the flame can go as hot as 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit or 1,371 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, the flame can reach as far as 12 inches. All that range can be controlled by its owners and all that can be done simply by twisting the dial near the Yocan Red Gavin Torch’s thermochromic muzzle (which we’ll talk about in a few). Twisting the dial towards the direction of the plus (+) symbol increases the temperature and reach of the flame while twisting it towards the minus (-) symbol decreases the heat as well as the length of the flame.

Piezo Ignition System

The Yocan Red Gavin Torch is equipped with a Piezo ignition system that ensures fast and immediate flame production. Piezo ignition uses a tiny spring-loaded hammer to hit an inorganic compound called lead zirconium titanate. The said action makes a high voltage and a residual electrical discharge that ensures the production of a flame when mixed with butane fuel.

Compared to conventional spark lighters, you can surely make flames faster with Piezo ignition. That said, it is considered a better and a more reliable ignition unit. Due to its dependability, Piezo ignition has been in use on many modern lighters to help consumers like you better enjoy and reap the benefits of your favorite materials.

Piezo ignition is also known for its longer lifespan compared to conventional lighters. So, if you want a torch lighter that can keep up with your needs, then the Yocan Red Gavin Torch might just as well be the ideal smoking or vaping companion for you.

Butane-powered Torch Lighter

The Yocan Red Gavin Torch uses butane fuel, which makes it a practical choice for a torch lighter.

Instead of giving the Yocan Red Gavin Torch some hard-to-source fuel, Yocan decided to stick to the basics and gave its products a way to keep on being used without having to break the bank. It has an eight-gram butane tank that can easily be filled even by beginners. This way, refilling the Yocan Red Gavin Torch can be done without having to practice a new way of doing it.

Simply get the butane tank, press the nozzle against the lip of the tank, and you’re good to go. It’s not difficult to use and is something that has always been the allure of Yocan-branded devices is that they are user-friendly and are straightforward.

For Yocan, sustainability is key and applying the same principle with the Yocan Red Gavin Torch has helped the company earn the respect of many smokers and dabbers.

Maintaining the fuel tank is relatively easy as the Yocan Red Gavin Torch has a special peep hole or a window for you to track it. With that having said, you will never catch yourself off guard and with a torch lighter but without fuel.

Make sure to get the Yocan Red Gavin Torch today and bring home a showpiece of a torch lighter to your sanctuary.