Yocan Red Shifty Torch
The Yocan Red Shifty Torch is one of the newest products from Yocan’s sub-brand — Yocan Red. Yocan Red’s focus is on smokers and vapers so its products consist of premium tools and accessories that aim to make your sessions simple, straightforward, and more convenient.
Yocan Res has plenty of interesting products to offer, but here’s a quick look at why the Yocan Red Shifty Torch is such a standout among its peers.
Actuating Flame Nozzle
Designed and engineered for consumers with varying needs, the Yocan Red Shifty Torch is the perfect torch lighter that can answer the requirements of wax enthusiasts and dry herb connoisseurs. The Yocan Red Shifty Torch wows with its actuating nozzle to spurt out flame in almost any direction necessary.
In coming up with this design, Yocan Red has created a product that can be used in various ways from being a typical torch lighter to becoming one that further enhances the device’s reach and power.
Using the Yocan Red Shifty Torch in its standard form, the device has an angled nozzle that allows for upright use with an angular head. Meanwhile, the nozzle can be turned around to face different directions as well as to ultimately point up. This gives it like a sword-like function that further extends the Yocan Red Shifty Torch’s flame reach.
Having such a multi-functional device means that you can use the Yocan Red Shifty Torch for various applications whether it’s for consuming herbs and wax concentrates or for when you’re out and about camping or simply concocting new recipes at home.
Basically, the Yocan Red Shifty Torch can do it all for you.
Thermochromic Muzzle
The Muzzle of the Yocan Red Shifty Torch does more than shift in direction. It can also change in color depending on the temperature it is exposed to thanks to the thermochromic finish applied on the said component.
Since the main draw of the Yocan Red Shifty Torch is its shifting muzzle, it is only expected that its owners and users will have to touch the muzzle at some point to change the direction of the tip. Should you touch the muzzle while it’s still hot, you will most likely burn your fingers and turn and otherwise fun or calming session into a chaotic one.
The application of a thermochromic layer on the Yocan Red Shifty Torch’s means that the colors will continue to change as the temperature rises and drops.
As long as you master the changes in its tone, you can easily tell whether or not it’s safe to twist the Yocan Red Shifty Torch’s actuating muzzle. This can also help in telling whether it’s safe for you to pack the Yocan Red Shifty Torch in your bag or to store it in your drawer for upkeep.
In addition, the Yocan Red Shifty Torch also gets a flame guard made out of alloy and ceramic. These two raw materials have climbed up in popularity in the vaporizer industry thanks to the characteristics they offer that simply elevate your smoking or dabbing experience.
Alloy for one, is a lightweight and durable material. It ls also known for its ability to withstand high temperature levels without having to suffer damage. Meanwhile, ceramic has been the choice for many wax consumers thanks to its low and slow heating properties as well as its capabilities to remain resilient despite consecutive and constant exposure to changing temperature levels.
That said, having a heat guard made with the aforementioned raw materials only increases the durability and structural integrity of the Yocan Red Shifty Torch as well as the safety of you — its user.
Adjustable Flame Setting
Unlike most cheap torch lighters, the Yocan Red Shifty Torch offers its users an adjustable flame setting. By taking full advantage of this feature, you can customize and personalize your sessions regardless of the material you are consuming and the method you are taking it.
For starters, the Yocan Red Shifty Torch has an adjustable flame setting that reaches up to 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit or 1,371 degrees Celsius. With that having said, the temperature will be able to fit your needs whether it is for lighting up a celebratory cigar of it is to melt that hard wax concentrate that will soon melt your face.
Lighting up a cigarette? Why not set the flame level to low. Setting your bowl of herbs ablaze? The middle setting would suit you just fine. Heating up your banger? Then go for the highest temperature level and go all out. Having the luxury to change the temperature level at will is a good feature to have in a small and portable torch lighter.
The reach of the flame can go up to 12-inches providing superior utility to those who will try out the Yocan Red Shifty Torch for their favorite materials as well as for other uses. The flame reach shortens and extends depending on the degree and level of the flame strength.
Butane-powered Torch Lighter
The Yocan Red Shifty Torch uses butane fuel to power the torch lighter. The fuel source is easy to use and can be purchased almost anywhere — from convenience stores to gas stations. This means that the Yocan Red Shifty Torch is one of the most sustainable torch lighters out there as butane is not only easy to find but also relatively cheap.
You won’t have to spend an arm and a leg when buying butane cans, they are inexpensive which means you can continue using the Yocan Red Shifty Torch without costing you that much. Because of that, it is one of the best torch lighters available not only to occasional consumers but also to heavy users who constantly use their torch lighters to reap the benefits of their favorite herbs and wax concentrates.
To check the content of the Yocan Red Shifty Torch’s eight-gram fuel tank, one can easily peek through the window of the Yocan Red Shifty Torch.