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Human Grade Full Weld Clear Bucket Banger - 90 Degree

Regular price $15.99

The Clear Bucket Banger is a classic quartz banger with a straight, cylindrical bucket. It’s called “clear” simply because it has a uniform quartz wall and bottom with no special cuts, thicknesses or added shaping. This makes it a straightforward, cost-effective option for dabbing.

What's the difference between standard and full weld?

A standard weld banger has a bucket and neck that are joined by a visible weld.

A full weld banger is crafted so that the bucket and neck appear to be one continuous piece of quartz.

Although both styles work well, full weld bangers can be more durable and heat more evenly. They can also be easier to clean as there are no crevices around a weld point.

  • Dimensions: 3.5" x 3.5"
  • Weld Type: Standard Weld OR Full Weld
  • Joint Size: 10mm OR 14mm
  • Joint Angle: 45° or 90°
  • Material: Quartz

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